Thursday 9 August 2012

Full Term

I am now officially full term! Baby O could be born any minute now and won't be considered premature. Technically, I am not due until August 29th but I wouldn't be upset if Baby O decided to come a bit early.

Life has been quite hectic lately with the Olympics but I have been trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Surely I am very slow and get tired very easily but I am trying to stay active and live my life as much as possible. London is just beautiful these days, even more than usual! It would be a shame to lock myself in the flat until Baby O comes.

As you can see from the pictures below, I am rather big! The bump, I mean. Thankfully, however, I can still carry this belly fine, it's not too heavy and doesn't hurt my back too much. I can walk and sleep just fine. Nausea, indigestion and heart burn are still there but they are part of the game, so I can't complain. The iron tablets I am taking seem to be helping a little and I am not as out of breath and weak as the last few weeks.

Now, let's hope the next couple of weeks are going to be smooth! Th clock is ticking...

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