Wednesday 7 January 2015

Christmas 2014: The Trip

On Saturday December 20th we flew to Italy, and we barely did it. The night before, Emilia developed a fever, her temperature was quite high, 38.6 C. We went to bed hoping for the best. However, in the morning she woke up with even higher temperature, 39.7. We panicked a little bit. Our taxi was coming to pick us up at 1pm and we still had quite a bit to do. In the end, we decided that Rob would take Emilia to hospital for a proper check and I stayed home packing and taking care of the final bits, in case we could travel. When Rob got home from the hospital, the response was that she had a very bad influenza but nothing more; our main concern was that she might have some sort of infection, like an ear infection, in which case we would have definitely not ventured to Italy. Rob was quite keen to go, I was a bit more reluctant. Eventually, we decided to go and I am very glad we did. We bundled Emilia up and left home at 1pm, as planned. Emilia fell asleep on the train to the airport and was very calm at the airport as well as on the plane. We could see she wasn't quite herself, she was hot and red but she didn't complain one single moment. In fact, she was quite happy to be on a plane. Thankfully, the flight was even shorter than usual, just two hours; the right wind or rather some angels in paradise helped us. Once we got to my parents' house, Emilia was weak and tired but she still managed to eat all her dinner and entertained us all with some singing and dancing. She really is a trooper!

Sadly, she was sick for most of our time in Italy and to make things even more annoying both Rob and I got sick as well.We had planned so many nice things, dinners out with friends, shopping trips, an outdoor dynosaurs exhibition..., and none of these things happened. Oh well, such is life. At least, we were surrounded by lots of family and support, I can only imagine how mental we would have all gone if we stayed in London in our small flat, all sick!

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