Saturday 9 August 2014

Double Date

Monday we had not one but two play dates with Katharina and Elias. We hadn't seen them in almost two months and we were all very excited to be finally spending some time together. 
In the morning we walked to the National Film Theatre to play with the sand and watch the skateboarders. Emilia and Elias were fascinated by these cool kids and almost tried to act cool themselves :) Give these babies a skateboard!


After a power nap, we met again in the afternoon. This time we went to relax a bit at a local park. The kids ran a lot and had so much fun that even when we eventually got home, they were both calling for each other. Emilia loves playing with Elias and I think she has already understood the value of friendship. She has got so much love to give, she is such a cutie. By the way, in case you were wondering, the stroller is not Emilia's but Elias'! There is no such thing as gender toys anymore :)


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