Monday, 3 March 2014

Social Sunday

When we checked the weather forecast for Sunday, sadly we didn't see anything good on the horizon. Grey, cold and rain throughout the whole day. We therefore decided to relax at home. However, we still managed to have a quite busy and social Sunday. Right after breakfast we Skyped with our friends in Italy Ilaria, Cristian and baby Tommaso. Both kids were in such a cheerful mood and kept smiling and "talking" to each other. It was a very sweet way to start the day. Then, Rob and Emilia got ready to run their regular Sunday activities: take the rubbish down, go to the local store to buy the Sunday paper and pay a visit to the robot in Shad Thames! That's baby and papa's time, mummy stays home; I only have the job to dress Emilia.


The afternoon was a flurry of conversations. First we received a Facetime call by Emilia's godparents, Lorenzo and Federica and Federica's brother, Marco. The call couldn't happen at a better time since Emilia was being quite difficult and naughty and seeing them on the phone distracted her from all the rest. Lory and Fede are coming to visit us in just one week and we can't wait to spend some good time with them. We hang up and Rich, Rob's brother, called. And while Rob was still on the phone, the door bell rang, it was Ryan, Rob's friend from Baltimore who is in town for a few days and popped by to say hi. Emilia met Ryan last Summer when he was in London with his family for over two months. I didn't know whether she would recognise him or not but she was certainly happy to hang out with a fellow Americano! 

Ryan left around 19.30 which is the time we usually put Emilia to bed. However, she was having such a good time with us that we waited for Ryan to leave before we even started cooking her dinner. So, I started cooking rice and salmon for Emilia while Rob changed her as soon as Ryan left. And guessed what happened while Rob was in the bathroom changing Emilia? We received another Facetime call!! This time from MaryJo, Rob's aunt, who wanted to see if Emilia was up for a chat with her and great grandmum Mary. Well, of course she was! In fact, she was super euphoric. She smiled, she talked, and she showed them how she can walk. It was a long day and she went to bed at 21.00, way after her bed time. But no big deal. It was a very full and nice day, with lots of chats and lots of love. We are far from most of our friends and family but we feel very loved. Thank you!

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