Saturday, 2 February 2013

5 months

Emilia turns five months today and as tradition we dressed her up and took some pics with the 5 months sticker. I have selected some of the photos for you. 

1. Here Emilia is thinking: It's hilarious, I am five months old! 

2. Oh wait, perhaps it is not that funny...I am not that young anymore. All of a sudden, I am sad. 

3. Wait, are you sure I am turning five months old today? The sticker says it all...

 4. I should try to escape then...

5. All right, all right. I suppose it's fine. I am only five months after all.

To celebrate the day and take advantage of my mum and grandmum's presence and help with Emilia Rob took me out for lunch. Blog post and pics to come. And we haven't bought a cake this month but bisnonna Nilde bought two super cute mini primulas in Emilia's honour. Aren't they sweet?

1 comment:

  1. La zia si e' dimenticata che ieri era il giorno 2 del mese...potrai mai perdonarmi?
    Tanti auguri stellina a pois!!!
