Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Bach to Baby

This morning I took Emilia to her first concert and she loved it! A couple of weeks ago my friend Katharina asked me if we wanted to join her and baby Elias to a classical concert in Bermondsey street, just a few blocks from where we live. She gave me the details of the organisation, Bach to Baby, and I immediately checked their website and thought it was a wonderful idea. So this morning Katharina and I and another local mama, Katie, met downstairs at 9.30 and headed to St. Mary Magdalen church.
Bach to Baby is an innovative classical concert series for babies and their parents to enjoy together. Of course, with babies, you never know whether  they are going to behave or not but let me tell you you couldn't hear a fly this morning in the church. There were approximately 30-40 babies in the audience, ranging from the age of one month to two years, I'd say, and they were all hypnotised by the beauty of the piano! All the adults, mostly mums, grandmums and a couple of dads seemed to enjoy it too. I just loved looking at all these babies discovering the world and the magic of music. It was emotional, I must confess. I know already I will be one of those mums who cries at every big (or small!) event of their baby's life! 

I tried to take a video but it was not at all easy to do it while holding Emilia. So, apologies if you  don't actually see much of us...

P.S. A professional photographer took some nice pictures. I'll add them here as soon as she will send them to me.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Valentina,
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the concert last week! Petra has taken some beautiful photos, and they are up on the website now.
    and on facebook

    See you soon again!
    kind regards, Miaomiao
