Monday 5 November 2012

Four generations of Italian women

Mum and grandmum are in town which means: I get to sleep seven/eight hours every night, I nap in the afternoon, I am treated with the best dishes at lunch and dinner, I get to enjoy home baked cakes for breakfast and dessert, I can take long showers, the flat is all clean, I don't need to do laundry, wash-up and iron, I have time to browse the Internet, I have booked a manicure and a massage, I will go shopping all day tomorrow, and Rob and I had a date night! 

Life is MUCH easier these days!

1 comment:

  1. Quanto siete belle! W nonna Nilde!!!
    Fatti viziare e coccolare...nonna e bisnonna hanno sufficiente energia per nipote e bisnipote!
